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Henry Mizner was born in Geneva, New York on August 1, 1827. He was a direct descendent of a Revolution War captain, a governor of New York and was a nephew of the founder of Rutgers University. He came to Detroit in 1836 and was admitted to the Wayne County Bar in 1857. In 1851, he married Eliza Whiting Howard, the daughter of Colonel Joshua Howard, and they had five children: Mary Howard Mizner, Julia Ingersoll Mizner, Henry Rutgers Mizner, Jr., Walter Ingersoll Mizner and Elizabeth P. Mizner.

Mizner was a member of the Brady Guards at the time of the Mexican War. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he was Lieutenant and Assistant to Colonel Electus Backus. He was made captain of the 18th U. S. Infantry on his enlistment on May 14, 1861. He rose to colonel of the 14th Michigan Infantry on November 11, 1862 and was brevetted Major in the U. S. Army on December 31, 1862 for gallant and meritorious service in the Battle of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He was brevetted Lt. Colonel in the U. S. Army on September 1, 1864 for service during the Atlanta Campaign and in the Battle of Jonesboro, Georgia. Mizner was brevetted Brigadier General of the U. S. Volunteers on March 13, 1865. He mustered out of volunteer service on July 18, 1865.

Mizner continued in military service after the war and, on February 22, 1869, was made a major in the 20th U. S. Infantry. He was transferred to the 12th U. S. Infantry on March 14, 1869 and was transferred again on May 14, 1877 to the 8th U. S. Infantry. He was made Lt. Colonel of the 10th U. S. Infantry on December 15, 1880. Mizner retired from active service on August 1, 1891 at the age limit of 64. In 1904, he was brevetted Brigadier General by President Theodore Roosevelt.

General Mizner died at the age of 87 after a long illness.

Born: August 1, 1827
Died: January 4, 1915
Buried: Section B, Lot 134