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Thomas Williams was born January 16, 1815 in Albany, New York. His father was General John R. Williams, Mayor of Detroit and prominent military figure in Michigan. While just a boy, Thomas joined the military ranks as a private in the Black Hawk War. He attended West Point from 1833 – 1837. Upon graduation, he was made 2nd Lieutenant of the 4th U. S. Artillery and served in the Florida War as 1st Lieutenant and Assistant Commissary of Substance.

Williams served in the Mexican War and was brevetted Captain on August 20, 1847. He was brevetted Major on September 13, 1847 for meritorious service in the war. Following the Mexican War, Williams was promoted to full Captain and posted to Mackinaw, Michigan, Florida and Utah.

Williams was made a Major in the 5th U. S. Artillery on May 14, 1861. He was promoted to Brigadier General of U. S. Volunteers four months later. He was posted to the command of a brigade on the Potomac and was later posted to Fort Hatteras, North Carolina. Williams was then assigned to command coordinated forces with Admiral Farragut to capture New Orleans. After the fall of New Orleans, he helped with the naval siege at Vicksburg. Thomas Williams was killed in action on August 5, 1862 during the siege of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Born: January 16, 1815
Died: August 15, 1862
Buried: Section A2, Lot 46