Elmwood Cemetery Logo

Elmwood Found MemForm smallThank you for your interest in donating to the Historic Elmwood Foundation fund.

The Foundation’s Board of Directors – civic, cultural, educational and religious leaders – welcomes your participation. All donors will be listed on the Elmwood website. Just download, fill out and send the donor form below along with your payment. Your donation will go toward Board identified initiatives that further the mission of the Foundation. Past restoration projects have included the Chapel, pond, roadway work, and grounds and gardens. We have initiated a bench installation program as well as reforestation. The Foundation also develops and promotes educational initiatives and community events at Elmwood Cemetery.

Please contact Joan Capuano at 313-801-1971 for additional information.

Mail this form and your check or money order payable to:
Historic Elmwood Foundation
1200 Elmwood Avenue
Detroit MI 48207-9817

Click to download.